The beginning of a baby's life is always the hardest for me. The lack of sleep, the crying, 10,001 dirty diapers a day and the complete loss of personal space and time. I know they are cute, generally smell good, and are very cuddly. But until around 6 weeks of age they are little more than a very demanding house plant, all take and no give. Yes, I do love my babies and would fight to the death like a mother bear for them. And, yes, that is how I feel about house plants. But I get a little frustrated, as I'm sure many mothers do.

And then, when you least expect it, it happens, their first big "I know who you are, and I love you with every fiber of my being" smile!

I know that it's goofy and toothless, but for the first time it's for me, instead of just a reflex to tiny gas bubbles in his tummy. And that makes my mother's heart sing!