Oh Miss Charis, I am late with your birthday post and I know being late drives you crazy. I am sorry. How can two people, like us, who are so very much alike, be so different from each other as well? I am continually amazed at how much you really are like me. We have similar likes and dislikes, mannerisms and personality quirks. Sometimes I feel as though I gave birth to myself and I am getting to watch myself grow up. It's a very surreal feeling.
Your interests are unique for an 8 year old girl. You have wanted to be an archeologist even before you could say the word and have recently become interested in archery. You got your very own bow and arrows this year. You almost cried when we gave you the certificate to pick one out.. You just kept hugging and thanking me. This is huge for you because you have always been very reserved with your emotions. Much like your mother. I'm still working on that. I hope that you never feel that I am reserved toward you.
You are my little bookworm. You will devour anything and everything written on a printed page. Your favorites are mysteries and history - especially mysteries about history. Amelia Earhart is your hero. You even carry ladies gloves in your purse because you think that Amelia probably did the same. I love this about you!
You are unbelievably secure in who you are. In this way I wish I was
more like you. You don't get upset when you are picked on by other people. I remember you coming home from school last year and telling me about a girl that was trying to single you out and make fun of you. You told me that you weren't worried about it because you knew that other people had bad days and sometimes they take their bad days out on other people. You said you were still going to be nice to her and pray for her until her bad mood was over. The next day you became her friend!
You are very responsible. I can ask anything of you and you will try to hardest to comply. It seems so natural for you. (I don't think I have a naturally compliant bone in my body.) You take care of Zayin, you help with cleaning, you are a peacemaker with your siblings and have even cooked a couple of meals for us. You have helped me immensely this past year when I was too sick to be much of a Mama, and when all my time was taken up with your new brother. I actually have a hard time remembering that you are only 8, because you carry yourself with a maturity beyond your years.
Now lest you begin to think that you are perfect (a personal flaw of mine) we both know that you aren't. (I think you get that from your Father). Though won't use this space to embarrass you by bringing up anything specific, please remember you are always growing. You will never stop learning and needing to learn. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on
your own understanding
. In all your ways
acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight
. It's okay not to have the right answer all the time, just keep seeking the Lord and He will take care of the rest.
Charis you are a sweet, intelligent, charming and amazing young woman, not just my little girl. I thank the Lord daily for letting my borrow you for a while.
Happy 8th Birthday, Girl!! I LOVE YOU!