This group of posts has been rolling around in my head for some time now. I was just never sure how to make it happen. I thought about posting every day for a week...but we all know that won't happen, and if I try and spread it out over a long time period I will lose interest. So I just decided that I will start posting, in no particular order, different days of our
normal week.
Monday: Not everyone's favorite day of the week to be sure, but I have kinda grown fond of it. We start every Monday morning "Shoppin' with Papa".
I could probably write and entire post on my love for ALDI. (Sad, but true) We start the trip here and end at Checkers. I also have a lot love for Checkers, but no pictures to prove it.
Everybody in?
Slave Labor.
I usually push and send my runners to grab the food, but Ani wanted to be "in charge" of the cart this time.
Papa always brings his i-phone and buys treats throughout the trip. Here Micaiah has a "meat tack" (stick) - (gross, I know, but so tasty). Papas just have a special knack for being able to get by all my Mommy healthy foods/no spoiling rules. Typical "Papa treats" may include, but are not limited to...turns with the i-phone, meat sticks, donuts, poptarts, popcicles, lunchables, kid's cuisine, soda, juice boxes, coin operated goodness (mustaches and rings are a huge favorite), and no shopping trip is ever complete without a coin operated pony ride.
Where was this when I was a child? I wasn't even allowed to put sugar on my cereal! Oh the injustice!
Of course Papa is not only along to "spoil" the kids, but to help entertain the crew and help me maintain some sanity while grocery shopping with 4 squirmy kids. I must say he does a fabulous job of both! Thanks Dad. When we started this 7 years ago, I had no idea how much I could look forward to grocery shopping!

The rest of our day is usually spent hanging out at my parents house. When school is in session we bring our books and Gramma helps with lessons. School is so much more fun when mom isn't teaching. When school is not in session we find a myriad of ways to entertain ourselves. Yesterday the mulberry tree was heavy with fruit. Unfortunately so were the birds, as they tried to drop gooey mulberry missiles at us from above. The kids, however, were not fazed and had a great time picking and eating all the delicious purple goodness.
I was going to make mulberry jam with their bounty, but I think more berries made it into their mouths than into the bag. We'll still try for a small batch. After playing and naps we all eat dinner together. Sometimes it's just us and other times it's a crowd (ok - I guess we can be a kind of a crowd on our own). But because of all the fun and family Monday had found a special place in my heart.