

Merry Christmas

Hope you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year! 


Zayin and Woosie (Lucy)

Lucy and Zayin are the very best of buddies.  Lucy is my little sister's little dog.  Don't let her stature fool you, she has "the heart of a champion." *wink, wink*

The big kids are still scared to death of her  (it must be her terrifying size),  but she and Zay bonded right from start.  They actually have quite a lot in common.  They both like to chew on anything and everything, they both like to run aimlessly in circles, they both drool...alot (though Zayin could shame anyone in a drooling competition), and now this...bonded for life!
They did this for about 20 minutes straight.  I never did get a real good clip of it.  But the bond will last forever (in dog years)!

*My Dad just sent me a better clip of their escapades.  Here it is.


A Little Too Quiet

Me:  Micaiah, is Zayin in there with you?

Micaiah:  Yeah!

Me:  Good.  What's he doing?

Micaiah:  Just looking out the window, and giving kisses.

Me:  Aw, that's sweet, thanks for keeping an eye on him.

Micaiah:  Uuuuh Ooooh, I think maybe the window kissed him back.
