

My Little Clean Freak

Micaiah has always liked things to be orderly, not clean necessarily, but orderly. He likes to line his up cars and toys in neat little rows. And from the time he could stand he has been my laundry helper. Yesterday I started to worry that things may have gone a little far. We were outside and he pointed at the ground and said (in a very distressed voice) "Oh Man, Shreesh Meshy! Translation - "Trees Messy.". He was really quite worried about all the leaves that the trees had left scattered throughout my parents yard. If I would have let him I'm sure he would have been very happy to line all those leaves up for the Meshy Shreesh.

I would also love to say that he gets his desire for cleanliness from me, but that's probably not the case. I am more of a recovering clutteraholic. I like to start projects and have a really hard time cleaning them up (or finishing them for that matter). Only recently have I begun to understand why my mom seemed to be so obsessed with cleaning. When I was little I just thought she enjoyed it. This is what my kids think of me. I now realize with all the other chaos in the house, having the visual chaos can push a perfectly sane person right over the edge. So, I'm sorry Mom, had I known that you were just trying to hold on to your sanity I may have been a little more helpful. Okay, who am I kidding, probably not. But, to make up for it, if you have anything that you would like placed in a row, I will happily send Micaiah over for the afternoon.

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