Greg loves Christmas, Christmas songs, Christmas giving, Christmas Decorating, Christmas sights, sounds, smells and weather. He even loves the sound of Christmas Bell Ringers (okay maybe that's pushing it). I, however, prefer Thanksgiving so I insist that we cannot start a new holiday until the previous one is completely over. So with half digested turkey in our bellies we start tearing down the Thanksgiving tables and decorations so that early the next morning the Christmas season can begin. We start the day by picking out some variation of a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. Our trees are usually pretty sparse and tippy. We didn't do too bad this year though. I think this tree actually has 3 good sides. Then we head back to the house to warm our frostbitten fingers, break out the Christmas records, and attack our tree with decorations. The kids usually line up on the floor and wait for the "ready, set, decorate", and then they are off.
Here the kids are "waiting patiently" to begin and shouting "Happy Easter". Either they are confused, or maybe a little of Mom and Dad's sarcasm is rubbing off.
My job is to hand out the ornaments and keep the peace.

This is Micaiah adding his first ornament, or should I say cramming his first ornament into the deep recesses of the tree.

We also have our advent tree/Joshua tree. It has 25 handmade( by us) ornaments representing 25 old testament bible stories ending with the birth of Jesus. I usually put that one together because the ornaments are starting to fall apart.
So at the end of the day the tree is up, the lights are shining and memories have been made. And though I'm not a huge fan of most of this season I have to admit it is a lot of fun watching my four, I mean three, children singing, dancing and decorating the afternoon away.
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