I love eavesdropping as my kids play and interact with other people. You just never know what you will over hear. For those of you that don't know Ani very well, she is not big on reality. Charis, her polar opposite, will only allow her imagination to go so far. It's a great combination.
Anya - "Charis, Charis, Charis, Charis,...CHARIS!"
Charis - "What?"
Anya - "Charis, pretend I don't know your name."
Anya - "Papa did you know that we have an INDIAN in our family?"
Papa - "We do?"
Anya - "Yeah it's Aunt Monica, she's Indian. That means she's not even a human."
Anya - (Speaking in the lowest voice she can muster.) "Hey Charis pretend I'm a boy."
Charis - "Okay."
Anya - "My name is Jared"
Charis - "Hi Jared, why are you wearing a dress?"
"Look Mama, I found a big sticker!"
This cracked me up. I was laughing too hard to take a picture so I sent him to Daddy. I don't know if Greg found it nearly as funny as I did, but it was good for a little chuckle. Micaiah, on the other hand, was just confused at why everyone was laughing at him and his cool find. Parents are so weird.
The Results are In!

Well it looks like our family is going to be an even numbered one(though
we will still always be a little odd). To the 37% of you that guessed we were going to have a boy - great job, please feel free to gloat! And to the 62% of you that thought we were having a girl - Well, I wouldn't buy a lottery ticket any time soon.
I do have to admit part of me is a little sad that this will be the end of our girl era, but the other part is relieved and happy. I didn't want Micaiah to have to be sandwiched between all those girls. Now he will always have someone in his corner.
Everything on the sonogram looked great, so thanks again to everyone that has been praying.
Baby Boy or Girl?
Well I just found out today that we are having a sonogram tomorrow. And if all goes according to plan we will be finding out the sex of the baby. I've been thinking that we were going to have a girl until last week. Then I had two dream that the baby was a boy and I keep accidentally referring to "it" as a "he". Of course we have only had one sonogram where they could definitely tell us what the gender was, so I have prepared myself to wait if need be. Please give me your best guess and we will see who wins.
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