And then one day he turned into...well...a boy. I'm not sure when it happened exactly, but at some point he morphed from a mommy pleasing little toddler into a "real" boy. This is not to say that boys can't keep things clean. In fact he still retains his need for order. He still lines up all of his cars and likes to help with laundry, we just do things a little differently these days.
Making sure the washing machine is empty.
Yes, he is naked. I would excuse myself by saying that we were potty training, but I don't think we were when this was taken.
And then last, but not least, Micaiah's new favorite - Bumper Vacuums.
So though things are not quite as simple as they used to be, they are a whole lot more fun.
Too cute! I love the vacuum!
I think the pirate face in the washer is most appropriate!
And here's my disclaimer, which is hopefully unnecessary, but I'm a younger sister, so I'm very sensitive to being falsely mislabled a "copier", and I know you're an older sister, so I'm sure you hate being copied =) All that being said, I'm not copying you in my post! I did it several days ago and scheduled it for today, and then yesterday I saw yours and almost was going to reschedule it for later on, but thought that was stupid, so there you have it! Oh how our siblings screw up our worldviews! One way or the other, it's fun to see our kids doing somewhat similar things and bringing joy to our lives!
love the washer pics!
i have my older two switch laundry for me and start the dryer. then we learned they were putting each other in the dryer...for rides!!! thankfully, they werent turning it on, just manually pushing it around . oh man! we laughed so hard, but my sister was freaked out.
(i still make them switch the laundry, but i think the "rides" are done with)
Ha ha. That's great. I used to hide in the dryer when we played hide and seek. It's just such a great place to play, not very safe, but a lot of fun.
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