Hope you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Zayin and Woosie (Lucy)
Lucy and Zayin are the very best of buddies. Lucy is my little sister's little dog. Don't let her stature fool you, she has "the heart of a champion." *wink, wink*
The big kids are still scared to death of her (it must be her terrifying size), but she and Zay bonded right from start. They actually have quite a lot in common. They both like to chew on anything and everything, they both like to run aimlessly in circles, they both drool...alot (though Zayin could shame anyone in a drooling competition), and now this...bonded for life!
They did this for about 20 minutes straight. I never did get a real good clip of it. But the bond will last forever (in dog years)!
*My Dad just sent me a better clip of their escapades. Here it is.
The big kids are still scared to death of her (it must be her terrifying size), but she and Zay bonded right from start. They actually have quite a lot in common. They both like to chew on anything and everything, they both like to run aimlessly in circles, they both drool...alot (though Zayin could shame anyone in a drooling competition), and now this...bonded for life!
They did this for about 20 minutes straight. I never did get a real good clip of it. But the bond will last forever (in dog years)!
*My Dad just sent me a better clip of their escapades. Here it is.
A Little Too Quiet
Me: Micaiah, is Zayin in there with you?
Micaiah: Yeah!
Me: Good. What's he doing?
Micaiah: Just looking out the window, and giving kisses.
Me: Aw, that's sweet, thanks for keeping an eye on him.
Micaiah: Uuuuh Ooooh, I think maybe the window kissed him back.
This and That
A short compilation of stories for your reading pleasure.
2. Overheard at Silver Dollar City in the Jail.
Little Boy: Hey Girl! Hey them are guns! Them are guns, Girl!
Anya: Silence, staring at the guns and then back at the boy.
Little Boy: Those are the Sheriff's guns, those are his guns girl.
Anya: (With an air of superiority) Those are not GUNS, those are RUFFLES (rifles)!
Me: Bah Ha ha!!!
3. As recorded on facebook:
Jeni Nadvornik So...what's going on downstairs?
Sickly & Sweet
All of my kids are rather...er...spirited. And this past year has been a MAJOR challenge for me as a mother, wife and human being. I feel like each child has spent a portion of the year testing, pushing and poking at me, trying to figure out exactly where my weak spots are (and there are a few), and then digging at them just to see what happens (I lose it...um...I mean respond in patience).
Micaiah has been my biggest challenge this year. He is constant energy and self-will mixed with a hot temper and dirt. I do agree that boys need to be boys, but when "Boys" = Violence & Destruction, a line must be drawn. And that line gets drawn over and over and over...and...over every day. I wake up each morning weary from the day before and fall asleep begging the Lord for strength to face another one.
So when Micaiah woke up with a fever and a sore throat a couple days I ago, I almost cried. The kids attitudes are generally less than stellar when they are sick (as is mine). I immediately started making a mental list of all the ways his sickness was going to ruin my day (Yes, that's the attitude I'm talking about.) But to my surprise He was the sweetest, most gentle and obedient patient I think I have ever had. We snuggled, read books and drank hot tea together. It was so nice to just sit and enjoy each other's company, without having to constantly correct his behavior.
I was mentioning this to my dad, along with my ongoing struggles with Micaiah. His comment on the situation struck me. He said "Isn't it such a wonderful blessing for God to allow you this glimpse into the man Micaiah is to become." In other words (my words). It's going to be worth it! Every morning, afternoon and evening spent battling the ugliness in his life (and mine) is going to be worth it all!!
Micaiah has been my biggest challenge this year. He is constant energy and self-will mixed with a hot temper and dirt. I do agree that boys need to be boys, but when "Boys" = Violence & Destruction, a line must be drawn. And that line gets drawn over and over and over...and...over every day. I wake up each morning weary from the day before and fall asleep begging the Lord for strength to face another one.
So when Micaiah woke up with a fever and a sore throat a couple days I ago, I almost cried. The kids attitudes are generally less than stellar when they are sick (as is mine). I immediately started making a mental list of all the ways his sickness was going to ruin my day (Yes, that's the attitude I'm talking about.) But to my surprise He was the sweetest, most gentle and obedient patient I think I have ever had. We snuggled, read books and drank hot tea together. It was so nice to just sit and enjoy each other's company, without having to constantly correct his behavior.
I was mentioning this to my dad, along with my ongoing struggles with Micaiah. His comment on the situation struck me. He said "Isn't it such a wonderful blessing for God to allow you this glimpse into the man Micaiah is to become." In other words (my words). It's going to be worth it! Every morning, afternoon and evening spent battling the ugliness in his life (and mine) is going to be worth it all!!
10.29.10 - Romans 16:16
It's a Massacre!
Oh wait...no...it's just my children's weird aversion to beds, especially their own. I'm not really sure why our kids have beds, or even rooms for that matter. Micaiah hasn't slept in his room for months. They prefer to sleep on the hard floor with a couple of blankets and a mound of pillows. They can be found separated as shown, or piled up on top of each other like a bunch of puppies.
Now this is one of those things that may seem like no big deal, or maybe even cute, but it really irritates me.
I want them to sleep in their own beds, and in their own room.
That is why they have them *duh*.
But at this point it's just one of those battles I choose not to fight. I choose not to fight because no one is being harmed (though you wouldn't think it would be very comfortable), no grave sin is being committed, and because I'm too lazy to fight it (this eliminates multiple trips to put them back to bed).
Right now I choose to fight the battles against bad attitudes, sibling violence, lying and other various issues of morality. But after this the lines get a little blurry. Do I fight for a clean room, a lower noise level, an empty plate, or a nice appearance in public? Are these things necessary for good character development, or do I want them done so that I will look good in front of other people? I find that anyone that has been a parent for any number of years (myself included) likes to throw this phrase around. "You have to choose your battles." But how do we know which battles are to be fought and which we can let go? Which are important, and which ones just make us feel better? It's a great phrase to make yourself appear as if you know what you are doing as a parent, but most days... I don't really have a clue. And the longer I am a parent, the less I know what I'm doing.
So here is my questions for all you wise parents out there:
What are 3 battles that you choose to fight, and what are 3 that you could fight, but have chosen to let go of?
Without thinking real hard about it, mine are as follows:
1. I don't fight sleeping in their own beds, but I do fight a decent bed time.
2. I don't fight a matching clothes, but I do fight a modest ones.
3. I don't fight a clean plates, but a do fight trying everything on your plate more than once.
I might be fighting the right battles, I might be fighting the wrong battles, but at least I'm fighting. So that in the end I might say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." (2 Timothy 4:7)
What do married couples really do after the kids go to sleep?
...Curl up by the fire and sip hot cocoa while wrapped in a snuggly blanket?...No.
...Then maybe cozy up to their favorite someone and exchange jovial anecdotes over a glass of fine wine? Again no.
Ok. How about chase this nasty creature around the backyard, with a broom stick, in your underwear* while your wife laughs hysterically and takes pictures you! A most definite YES! And people wonder how we keep things interesting after all these years and with all our kids.
...Put on comfy pj's, pop in a favorite romantic comedy, and eat some delicious buttery popcorn? No. (If you know us at all - you KNOW this is a big fat no!)
...Then maybe cozy up to their favorite someone and exchange jovial anecdotes over a glass of fine wine? Again no.
Ok. How about chase this nasty creature around the backyard, with a broom stick, in your underwear* while your wife laughs hysterically and takes pictures you! A most definite YES! And people wonder how we keep things interesting after all these years and with all our kids.
Thank you gross opossum for a wonderful evening of adrenaline spiked entertainment and hilarity!
*Note all pictures of my husband in his underwear have been destroyed (they were blurry anyway *wink*)!
"Four eyes, Four eyes..."
"You need glasses to see-ee!" - Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
I've worn glasses (well owned glasses, I don't always wear them) since around 6th grade. Unlike most glasses wearers, I kinda like them. Getting a new pair glasses is even better than getting a new pair of shoes in my book. Glasses put a nice little frame around the window to one's soul. They can be fun, funky, stylish, and even make you look smarter than you are (I need all the help I can get in that department.) So when Anya was prescribed her first pair of glasses I was more than a little excited, but I was also apprehensive - How was she going to react? Would there be tears? Would she refuse to wear them?
I'm not sure why I was nervous - This is Anya we're talking about here. The QUEEN of accessories! She thought this was the most brilliant idea since the Silly Band. There were a few tears, though, from big sister Charis. She wanted glasses so bad. I found this placed me in a very difficult position. Trying to tell one child "you will love glasses", and the other one that "they aren't any fun at all". Knowing that would never fly. I tried to explain to the girls that they were both "fearfully and wonderfully made" and that God made them just the way He wanted them.
Next was the actual picking of the glasses. Anya is so funny when it comes to picking things out. She takes no time to look at anything and falls in love with everything. I kept hearing "Mom, I LOVE these." I'd point out that they might be a little big, or wouldn't fit quite right, and she would be on to the next pair. Until she found "The pair" "Mom I'm 100% sure I love these and no other!" They're black, and black is my color!!" I'm 120% sure, I LOOOOOOOOVVVVVE them. How do you argue with that? Besides the pair I liked were twice as expensive, and if she loved them she'd be more likely to wear them, right?
I was really happy for her, and excited to share my love of glasses, however strange a love of glasses is, but I was a little sad too. When she put on her glasses, she grew up a little bit, right in that moment. I looked down at her and could no longer she a chubby toddler, or precocious preschooler. She was a kid, a real live KID. And before I know it, this kid is going to be packing her bags and heading off to college, or *gulp* getting ready for her first date (which as she has been informed by her father, will not be until she's at least 30.) And though these thoughts are filled with uncertainty. I know that my job is to hold my children lightly, because they are only on loan to me. They aren't mine to do whatever I please with. They are the Lord's and I am merely preparing them for their journey ahead. Motherhood is a wonderful gift, but my ultimate goal is to work myself out of this job. Some days I'm ready, some days I'm not, some days I don't think it will ever get here soon enough. Thankfully I still have some time to figure it out.
Anya will always remember 1st grade as the year she got glasses. I will always remember it as the year I realized that she was really going to grow up, and those glasses will be a constant little reminder. Though as sobering as that thought is, I still have to say that my heart melts, just a bit, every time I see that adorable, bespectacled face. You're too cute for words Ani B.!
Happy Heart
Micaiah has just recently started drawing pictures. He hadn't shown any interest in coloring or drawing until the last few days. This morning he ran up to me to show off one of his latest creations.
Micaiah: Mama! Look what I just drew for you?
Me: Oh wow, Cai, that's wonderful. We should put it on the fridge to show Daddy!
Micaiah: Yeah, ok, but I wanna show Jesus too.
Me: Hmmm...How do you think we should go about doing that?
Micaiah: Just like this! (he lifts up his shirt) Now you hold it up to my tummy, so Jesus can see from my heart (which happens to located in his belly button).
Faith of a child. Priceless.
Sometimes...you just have to close the door and walk away.
Sometimes...you have to laugh, or you will cry.
Sometimes...here is the most important place you can be.
Sometimes...dignity is completely unnecessary.
Sometimes...washing dishes and bathing the baby is the same thing.
Sometimes I am fed up, frustrated, at the end of my rope, burnt out, and too tired to say another word...
...But it IS worth it...And not just sometimes!
Which Came First....
People have been asking for some time now "When are those chickens going to start laying eggs?". I would give my usual response "Oh sometime around the end of July, or beginning of August." (Not having any real idea if this was true or not.) Having never been a chicken farmer, all my information comes from the internet. Well Wikipedia said it would be July or August and that was good enough for me.
Gretel Louise - The "Alpha" Chicken
But July came and went and still no eggs. I kept making sure to have their nesting boxes ready just in case. I felt like I was in my 9th month of pregnancy, and was "nesting', literally. Then a couple of days ago I went out to make sure the chickens' water was fresh and, lo and behold, there was a chicken in one of the boxes. It was rather humorous to watch her. She would scoot down in the box and then hop back up, make a cuuuooorrruuuuuuck, reposition and then scoot back down in the box. Natalie Emma - Our Scardy Chicken, or Chicken Chicken, if you will
After a while I actually started to feel sorry for her. I realized that I had not been a very good mother and had never given her "the talk". She had no idea what she was doing, or what was going on. I watched her for quite some time...hoping. She then unceremoniously hopped up and ran away. It was rather disappointing. No egg. (Or so I thought) Ned Triceratops - The Crazy Runt of the Litter
Maionne Sophia - Taking a break after a big day
I decided to finish my "chores" and refill their water, and right next to the waterer was a brand new egg. It had been their the entire time. I was so sure that Maionne was working on egg that it had never occurred to me that she had already laid an egg. (not very perceptive) So 1st prize goes to Maionne Sophia for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd egg laid by our chickens. "The Coop"
They would have been part of our dinner tonight except Anya dropped 2 out of the 3 of the eggs this morning. My poor girl, she was devastated. Oh well. We will just have to split the last remaining egg. I mean, it's not every day you get to eat something that just fell out of a chicken a few hours earlier (okay that was gross). You can just scratch that last image from your mind. Anya shortly before the "incident."
We are so pleased with our little brood, and hope the others will follow in the egg department shortly!
Sick of Being Sick
I had a book with this title when I was little. It was about how to get more sympathy from people when you are sick. One of their suggestions was to paint your tongue green and add white blotchy spots to your skin to make it look like your are sicker than you really are. Are there any parents out there that would actually fall for such a thing? Mine didn't, and yes, I tried it. I also tried the old put your thermometer in a glass of hot water to make it look like you have a fever routine. A fever of a 110 is a pretty hard sell.
We have been sick all but two weeks of this summer vacation. The running tally is 5 cases of strep throat, 5 cases of stomach flu and several cases of "viral-something-or-other-highly-contagious-itis". It's symptoms include: fever, body aches, sore throat, rash, high pitched crying and other over dramatic behaviors. (That last symptom is mine.)
We have completely checked out of the social scene - no church, play-dates, family dinners, or even *gasp* WAFFLES! I'm not sure I even remember what other big humans look like. Yesterday everything came to a head. The older/neglected children were trying to eat each other alive, Zaying was screaming (as he had been for 3 days) and it was pouring outside. I felt like a caged animal, in a very loud zoo!
(Now lest you think I have read my Sick of Being Sick book one too many times, I'm not actually looking for sympathy here. I am just painting you a picture of the miserably sweet pity party I was having in my head.)
Everything was coming unraveled we had to get out, or I was going to lose it! It wasn't thundering outside, so why not go play in the rain? Sure! That's what a fun mom would do in this situation. Right? Well at least that's what I though. So I gathered the kids, we went outside, and for a few minutes it was marvelous! I could feel the rain melting away the stress of being pent up for so long. I decided to lead a playful march down the gutters and into a really big puddle at the end of the street. Unfortunately, I didn't know that when it rains our gutters are REALLY slimy.
And slippery.
And I bit it.
Big time.
Thankfully, I had the fortitude to hold Zayin above my head so he wasn't hurt, but that meant I also couldn't brace myself for the fall.
It hurt.
But as I was laying there, deciding whether or not I would ever walk again, I remembered a resolution that my brother recently made. His resolution is as follows - Resolved: Not to grumble against God's providence. (side note if you've haven't read the Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards, I highly recommend them. Our college group has been going through them and making some of our own. Good stuff.)
I realized then and there, as dirty gutter water gently washed over my pathetic life, that I have a lot of choices in life, and none of then include whether my kids are sick or well. That is completely out of my hands. But I can choose to be grateful that I have children that I get to see everyday, that I get to stay home with them while they are sick, that all their sicknesses have been treatable or minor, and that no matter what God is with me and He is in control.
So thank you, Lord, for 4 sick children and a trip down my scummy gutter to make me realize how wonderfully blessed I really am!
We have been sick all but two weeks of this summer vacation. The running tally is 5 cases of strep throat, 5 cases of stomach flu and several cases of "viral-something-or-other-highly-contagious-itis". It's symptoms include: fever, body aches, sore throat, rash, high pitched crying and other over dramatic behaviors. (That last symptom is mine.)
"My Speckley Baby Boy"
We have completely checked out of the social scene - no church, play-dates, family dinners, or even *gasp* WAFFLES! I'm not sure I even remember what other big humans look like. Yesterday everything came to a head. The older/neglected children were trying to eat each other alive, Zaying was screaming (as he had been for 3 days) and it was pouring outside. I felt like a caged animal, in a very loud zoo!
(Now lest you think I have read my Sick of Being Sick book one too many times, I'm not actually looking for sympathy here. I am just painting you a picture of the miserably sweet pity party I was having in my head.)
Everything was coming unraveled we had to get out, or I was going to lose it! It wasn't thundering outside, so why not go play in the rain? Sure! That's what a fun mom would do in this situation. Right? Well at least that's what I though. So I gathered the kids, we went outside, and for a few minutes it was marvelous! I could feel the rain melting away the stress of being pent up for so long. I decided to lead a playful march down the gutters and into a really big puddle at the end of the street. Unfortunately, I didn't know that when it rains our gutters are REALLY slimy.
And slippery.
And I bit it.
Big time.
Thankfully, I had the fortitude to hold Zayin above my head so he wasn't hurt, but that meant I also couldn't brace myself for the fall.
It hurt.
But as I was laying there, deciding whether or not I would ever walk again, I remembered a resolution that my brother recently made. His resolution is as follows - Resolved: Not to grumble against God's providence. (side note if you've haven't read the Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards, I highly recommend them. Our college group has been going through them and making some of our own. Good stuff.)
I realized then and there, as dirty gutter water gently washed over my pathetic life, that I have a lot of choices in life, and none of then include whether my kids are sick or well. That is completely out of my hands. But I can choose to be grateful that I have children that I get to see everyday, that I get to stay home with them while they are sick, that all their sicknesses have been treatable or minor, and that no matter what God is with me and He is in control.
So thank you, Lord, for 4 sick children and a trip down my scummy gutter to make me realize how wonderfully blessed I really am!
Once upon a time...
There was a softball game, and a very, very bored little boy.
(That my mom, ladies and gentlemen, in pink, playing her 27th year of softball! - Yep, she's a hoss!)
He tried to focus...he really did. But softball just wasn't his game.
But just then, when he thought he might slip into a softball coma - he heard a voice. (or at least he would have if his brother could actually talk.)
"Pssst. Micaiah. Come check this out. I don't know what it is, but it feels glorious between my toes."
"Zayin, my friend, forget toes, this is going everywhere!" (and as his mother, I can attest to the fact, that it was indeed everywhere! *wink*)
"This is the life! Why didn't I know about this until now?!"
"I gotta tell Lash about this 'dirt'. He is gonna LOVE it!"
"Can I, Mom, pleaaase?"
"We promise, Mrs. Kueffer, we'll take gooooood care of your son."
"Auntie Claire, It's not fair, everyone else is doing it."
"I promise you, Lash, if my brothers are doing it, you don't want any part of it. Ooh - is that dirt over there? Gimme some!"
And so ends the story of the bOring softball game, and the boys who didn't end up watching too much of it. Sorry, Mom, I'm afraid they just might take after me.
Remembering to Laugh! (Out loud if possible)
Last night we had some friend over for dinner. Dinner is always a circus, but when we have guests the problem only escalates. After an evening of the kids usual shenanigans we tried to sit down with our friends have have some human/adult conversation. Of course, it was one interruption after another. I was starting to get annoyed (yeah I know) when we were interrupted with this this gem.
From downstairs we hear a frantic voice...
Micaiah: "¡Ayúdeme, ¡Ayúdeme Help Me, Help Me!"
Greg: What's wrong?
Micaiah: "My undies are stuck!"
Greg: "Stuck where? In your bum, or in your drawer?"
Micaiah: "No! In the computer!!"
Without even a thought, about what may have just transpired, I tried to continue my conversation with our friends. I looked up and realized they were both giggling. Hmmm? Did someone just tell a joke, and I missed it? No....? Of course, they were laughing at Micaiah. But I hadn't even stopped to think that the ridiculousness we had just overheard might be funny. I guess when you hear odd things all the time, they begin to lose their hilarity. Sad. I decided then and there, that I didn't want to let these moments pass me by, and that I want to laugh when something if funny. Because, let's face it, even though kids are not always well behaved - They are stinkin' hillarious!
P.S. In case your curiosity is getting the better of you. I have no idea what happened with the undies in the computer.
From downstairs we hear a frantic voice...
Micaiah: "¡Ayúdeme, ¡Ayúdeme Help Me, Help Me!"
Greg: What's wrong?
Micaiah: "My undies are stuck!"
Greg: "Stuck where? In your bum, or in your drawer?"
Micaiah: "No! In the computer!!"
Without even a thought, about what may have just transpired, I tried to continue my conversation with our friends. I looked up and realized they were both giggling. Hmmm? Did someone just tell a joke, and I missed it? No....? Of course, they were laughing at Micaiah. But I hadn't even stopped to think that the ridiculousness we had just overheard might be funny. I guess when you hear odd things all the time, they begin to lose their hilarity. Sad. I decided then and there, that I didn't want to let these moments pass me by, and that I want to laugh when something if funny. Because, let's face it, even though kids are not always well behaved - They are stinkin' hillarious!
P.S. In case your curiosity is getting the better of you. I have no idea what happened with the undies in the computer.
A Week of Normal - In Pictures (and a few words too) - TUESDAY
TUESDAY (affectionately.known. as.) Gramma Sally Day.
Since the kids were little they have spent almost every Tuesday afternoon and evening with Gramma Sally and Paco (Grandpa) Ron. I'm pretty sure my kids don't even know the real days of the weeks because of it. In our house it goes Sunday, Monday, Gramma Sally Day, Wednesday...and so forth. It has been a wonderful blessing for all of us. G.S. does many things with them that I would not do (or do not have the energy, patience, creativity, time...) and, of course, they love it (and her), and I get a generally peaceful (as peaceful as it gets with a baby) afternoon to get some things done (or not).
So since I am not with my kids Tuesday afternoon, I guess this post will be all about my Tuesday. Feel free to take a nap for the rest of this post.
Girl Lunch: A while ago my mom and I started one of the most wonderful traditions. Every other Tuesday she takes me out to lunch! How could we not love this? Everyone should start this tradition with someone that they love (and would also love to pay for your lunch). In the beginning I did protest, but now have become quite accustomed to the life of luxury. (after having said this, I have a feeling free lunch might be over as she is one of my most dedicated readers.) After we went out several times we added my sisters to our regularly scheduled program.
Restaurant choice of the week - Free State Brewery.
Now I was hoping that this would be the part of the post where I got to talk about Tuesday evenings. We usually spend Tuesday evenings at Exit 2:9 (wow, we need a new picture and some major updating), but this Tuesday we ended up being called home early because Anya was coming down with strep.
*Nadvornik fun fact - In the past 1 and half weeks we have had 4 cases of strep throat, 3 cases of the stomach flu, and one mystery bug that prefers to remain unnamed. Yeah for summer vacation.
But despite the abnormality of my "normal" Tuesday it was still a wonderful day, spent with my wonderful family, eating WONDERFUL food. (Sorry guys, but you know that those onion rings deserved the biggest wonderful).
And for those of you that have been napping, it's time to wake up. I'm sure my next 20 posts will be kid related!
Since the kids were little they have spent almost every Tuesday afternoon and evening with Gramma Sally and Paco (Grandpa) Ron. I'm pretty sure my kids don't even know the real days of the weeks because of it. In our house it goes Sunday, Monday, Gramma Sally Day, Wednesday...and so forth. It has been a wonderful blessing for all of us. G.S. does many things with them that I would not do (or do not have the energy, patience, creativity, time...) and, of course, they love it (and her), and I get a generally peaceful (as peaceful as it gets with a baby) afternoon to get some things done (or not).
So since I am not with my kids Tuesday afternoon, I guess this post will be all about my Tuesday. Feel free to take a nap for the rest of this post.
Girl Lunch: A while ago my mom and I started one of the most wonderful traditions. Every other Tuesday she takes me out to lunch! How could we not love this? Everyone should start this tradition with someone that they love (and would also love to pay for your lunch). In the beginning I did protest, but now have become quite accustomed to the life of luxury. (after having said this, I have a feeling free lunch might be over as she is one of my most dedicated readers.) After we went out several times we added my sisters to our regularly scheduled program.
As soon as Gramma Sally comes to get the kids I hop in the car, pick up my mom, and on this Tuesday decided to go see "Aunt Mo" doin' her thing..making non fat, low fat, iced, java chip, mochachinos, with extra whip, of course.
Then My brother decides to try and crash Girl Lunch, not gonna happen buddy!
Restaurant choice of the week - Free State Brewery.
The reason Free State is the choice of the Week! These onion rings are the size of bagels, and just as good for you I'm sure.
Zayin has reached the age where if there is food near by, it needs to be in his mouth. Okay if anything is near by, it needs to be in his mouth. Here is my sister valiant attempt at keeping him entertained while we tried to talk.Now I was hoping that this would be the part of the post where I got to talk about Tuesday evenings. We usually spend Tuesday evenings at Exit 2:9 (wow, we need a new picture and some major updating), but this Tuesday we ended up being called home early because Anya was coming down with strep.
*Nadvornik fun fact - In the past 1 and half weeks we have had 4 cases of strep throat, 3 cases of the stomach flu, and one mystery bug that prefers to remain unnamed. Yeah for summer vacation.
But despite the abnormality of my "normal" Tuesday it was still a wonderful day, spent with my wonderful family, eating WONDERFUL food. (Sorry guys, but you know that those onion rings deserved the biggest wonderful).
And for those of you that have been napping, it's time to wake up. I'm sure my next 20 posts will be kid related!
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