We have been sick all but two weeks of this summer vacation. The running tally is 5 cases of strep throat, 5 cases of stomach flu and several cases of "viral-something-or-other-highly-contagious-itis". It's symptoms include: fever, body aches, sore throat, rash, high pitched crying and other over dramatic behaviors. (That last symptom is mine.)
"My Speckley Baby Boy"
We have completely checked out of the social scene - no church, play-dates, family dinners, or even *gasp* WAFFLES! I'm not sure I even remember what other big humans look like. Yesterday everything came to a head. The older/neglected children were trying to eat each other alive, Zaying was screaming (as he had been for 3 days) and it was pouring outside. I felt like a caged animal, in a very loud zoo!
(Now lest you think I have read my Sick of Being Sick book one too many times, I'm not actually looking for sympathy here. I am just painting you a picture of the miserably sweet pity party I was having in my head.)
Everything was coming unraveled we had to get out, or I was going to lose it! It wasn't thundering outside, so why not go play in the rain? Sure! That's what a fun mom would do in this situation. Right? Well at least that's what I though. So I gathered the kids, we went outside, and for a few minutes it was marvelous! I could feel the rain melting away the stress of being pent up for so long. I decided to lead a playful march down the gutters and into a really big puddle at the end of the street. Unfortunately, I didn't know that when it rains our gutters are REALLY slimy.
And slippery.
And I bit it.
Big time.
Thankfully, I had the fortitude to hold Zayin above my head so he wasn't hurt, but that meant I also couldn't brace myself for the fall.
It hurt.
But as I was laying there, deciding whether or not I would ever walk again, I remembered a resolution that my brother recently made. His resolution is as follows - Resolved: Not to grumble against God's providence. (side note if you've haven't read the Resolutions of Jonathan Edwards, I highly recommend them. Our college group has been going through them and making some of our own. Good stuff.)
I realized then and there, as dirty gutter water gently washed over my pathetic life, that I have a lot of choices in life, and none of then include whether my kids are sick or well. That is completely out of my hands. But I can choose to be grateful that I have children that I get to see everyday, that I get to stay home with them while they are sick, that all their sicknesses have been treatable or minor, and that no matter what God is with me and He is in control.
So thank you, Lord, for 4 sick children and a trip down my scummy gutter to make me realize how wonderfully blessed I really am!
I've been there, and its no fun! The endless sicknesses make you feel like you're going to loose your mind. So glad the Lord is teaching you and molding you in the midst of all of it though.
The Lord has been showing me the same thing, and wow, what a difference it makes to choose gratitude when I feel like complaining about something. I'm sure my kids appreciate it too. :)
I'm so sorry you guys have been so sick. It looks like we had the same icky-highly contagious virus you guys are passing around. River and I both had it and passed it to Noah and I think maybe Joy, too. Zayin's rash looks just like River's did. It's no fun to have a sick kid. I can only imagine 4 sick kids! I hope you guys start feeling better soon.
Oh,Mum. You are able to capture everything so well with your words! Thanks for being honest about being down about stuff, but being willing to allow the Lord to change your heart. Your transparency inspires me! And I am praying for everyone to get better - and stay that way!
Yes! See, scenarios likt this are why I am continually blessed by your family. Even on the worst days you make the realization that it still all comes back to glorify God.
Sorry! And you never complained when we were emailing! Hope you all are feeling better soon! I hate when the children are sick - not just because of their crabbiness - but because I just want to take their hurt away - and sometimes I just can't!
Great post. Talk about being thankful in all things!
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