

Happy Heart

Micaiah has just recently started drawing pictures.  He hadn't shown any interest in coloring or drawing until the last few days.  This morning he ran up to me to show off one of his latest creations.

Micaiah:  Mama!  Look what I just drew for you?

Me:  Oh wow, Cai, that's wonderful.  We should put it on the fridge to show Daddy!

Micaiah:  Yeah, ok, but I wanna show Jesus too.

Me:  Hmmm...How do you think we should go about doing that?

Micaiah:  Just like this! (he lifts up his shirt) Now you hold it up to my tummy, so Jesus can see from my heart (which happens to located in his belly button).
Faith of a child.  Priceless.


sarah sung said...

LOVE this. Lots to learn from eyes wide open.


Matt said...

All I learned was that my heart is in my belly! Oh man... maybe all those stomach aches were really heart attacks! Great, I am freakin out here...

the rinehart's said...

oh so adorable!

Eryn said...

i dont check blogs much anymore, but i love catching up on yours. your life sound so much like mine, but you seem to have a much better attitude about it all! it is so encouraging and refreshing for me. it makes me give myself a mental check and shake down of my recent "attitudes".

Jeni said...

Eryn - I miss reading your blog. And if you saw me on a day to day basis you would know my attitude is not all sunshine and roses! I struggle with it everyday. That's life I guess :0)