

You know what they say...

"Boys WILL be boys!"
When I was pregnant with each of my kids.  I was asked numerous questions about our family and the new baby on the way.  Inevitably they would ask "Do you know what you are having?"  If I was in an amicable mood I would disclose the sex to whomever was asking.   If not, my general response was "Well I hope it's a baby, because we are quite unprepared for a monkey/puppy/elephant, whatever happened to pop out my mouth in the moment. - {I was a pretty cranky pregnant Momma}.

After my girls were born and I was pregnant with Micaiah,  I would tell the asking party that we were expecting a boy - our first!  Then they would generally raise their eyebrows and give me a knowing, sympathetic look, saying something like "Sweety, you have NO idea what you are getting yourself into!" or "Wow, now you are really going to have your hands full!"  Now if any of you have met my second daughter, especially when she was younger, the mere thought that my hands could be any fuller was almost laughable to me.  She was a bug eating, mud loving, tempestuous little handful when she was little.  I thought, "Really?  How different could boys be?"  QUITE!

Though I don't know that my hands are any "fuller" with my boys, the boys are most definitely...different!  The things they think up and then do are so bizarre to me that I sometimes wonder if I did give birth to monkey or an elephant.  Boys don't have to be taught to be male, they just are.  With the girls we have attitude issues, or not clearly thinking things through before they do them.  With the boys we have issues with spitting down laundry chutes and clearly not thinking at all.  But what I overheard yesterday morning takes the cake!  {Those of you with older boys feel free to give me that knowing smirk - I deserve it!}

Greg {Knowing what had already transpired}:  Hey Micaiah, what did you do with the octopus this morning?
Micaiah:  I went potty in it!

Greg:  Um...why did you do that?

Micaiah {with pride}:  Because it is soooo amazing!  I can make my potty come out ALL of his legs!

Greg:  Micaiah you can't potty on our things, there are a lot of germs in potty.

Micaiah:  Yeah, I know, but it WAS so cool!!!

I thank the Lord, that He has given me the opportunity to raise both girls and boys for His glory.  I may not always make the most perfect parenting choices, always discipline consistently, or keep my cool 100% of the time.  But I will leave this life with a deeper understanding of my Father's love for us and knowing that His grace is all sufficient.  I will also be laughing the whole way there, because if I don't laugh - I will cry!


Rachel said...

Yep! Just laugh, definitely laugh. :) It is a whole new world to me too... makes for lots of funny stories. ;)

jenica said...

(I just put you in my blog reader, even though I barely know you, but I DID come to your wedding. And our hubbies were great buds.)

Ha! This is so hilarious! I can't decide if I should show this to the boys in our family...

With our 2nd boy just born, I'm bracing myself a bit. Our first boy has been such a handful, but equally a joy. Check out this post
a while back. Hehe.

the rinehart's said...

laughing :)

(and wondering what all Malachi and him could imagine up if they could play together!!)

Nature Notes from Nadvornia said...

That boys is such a thinker! And quite the stinker. But seriously, how cool is it that he looked at the octopus faucet and thought "hey, I could totally do that too!" The great thing about about boys is that they grow up to be wonderful fathers who tell their sons not to potty on things, all the while laughing and delighting on the inside.

Elisa B said...

Love it! Oh, those boys and how "boy" they are!