

This and That

A short compilation of stories for your reading pleasure.

 Anya FINALLY (exaggerated emphasis Anya's) got her ears pierced this past weekend!  She has been asking for weeks, but I wasn't sure she was quite ready.  She almost had them pierced once before and bailed at the last second.  I was wrong.  She hopped up into the chair and sat patiently for the piercing technician.  She held my hands and smiled (albiet a bit warily) the whole time.  After it was over, her only comment was "I thought that was going to hurt, it only felt like somebody stapled my ears!" (Oh, is that all!?)

2.  Overheard at Silver Dollar City in the Jail.

Little Boy:  Hey Girl!  Hey them are guns! Them are guns, Girl!

Anya: Silence, staring at the guns and then back at the boy.

Little Boy:  Those are the Sheriff's guns, those are his guns girl.

Anya: (With an air of superiority) Those are not GUNS, those are RUFFLES (rifles)!

Me: Bah Ha ha!!!

3.  As recorded on facebook:

Jeni Nadvornik So...what's going on downstairs?

November 14 at 9:33pm ·  ·  · See Friendship
    • Greg Nadvornik hmmm...nothing near as fun as I thought there might be. it's dark and there's Zelda music playing in the background because Charis never turned it off. how's upstairs?
      November 14 at 9:34pm · 
    • Jeni Nadvornik Peaceful. You should check it out.
      November 14 at 9:35pm · 
    • Greg Nadvornik will do!
      November 14 at 9:36pm · 
    • Chet Kueffer Hahaaa!!!!!
      November 14 at 9:50pm · 
    • Jeni Nadvornik The peace only lasted a few minutes, then Charis punched Anya in the face for drawing pictures on their bed with a marker. Amazing!


Sickly & Sweet

All of my kids are  And this past year has been a MAJOR challenge for me as a mother, wife and human being.  I feel like each child has spent a portion of the year testing, pushing and poking at me, trying to figure out exactly where my weak spots are (and there are a few), and then digging at them just to see what happens (I lose mean respond in patience).

Micaiah has been my biggest challenge this year.  He is constant energy and self-will mixed with a hot temper and dirt.  I do agree that boys need to be boys, but when "Boys" = Violence & Destruction, a line must be drawn.  And that line gets drawn over and over and over...and...over every day.  I wake up each morning weary from the day before and fall asleep begging the Lord for strength to face another one.

So when Micaiah woke up with a fever and a sore throat a couple days I ago, I almost cried.  The kids attitudes are generally less than stellar when they are sick (as is mine).  I immediately started making a mental list of all the ways his sickness was going to ruin my day (Yes, that's the attitude I'm talking about.)  But to my surprise He was the sweetest, most gentle and obedient patient I think I have ever had.  We snuggled, read books and drank hot tea together.  It was so nice to just sit and enjoy each other's company, without having to constantly correct his behavior.

I was mentioning this to my dad, along with my ongoing struggles with Micaiah.  His comment on the situation struck me.  He said "Isn't it such a wonderful blessing for God to allow you this glimpse into the man Micaiah is to become."  In other words (my words).  It's going to be worth it!  Every morning, afternoon and evening spent battling the ugliness in his life (and mine) is going to be worth it all!!

10.29.10 - Romans 16:16