

Thank you Uncle Biggle

Q: What soars above the rooftops without ever leaving the ground and weighs well over a ton?
A:  Uncle Biggle in a bucket truck!

Today as I was making lunch I got a call from my brother.  He starts the conversation with "Whatcha doing?  "Putting noodles in a bowl", I reply.  The next thing out of his mouth "Is Micaiah afraid of heights?"  {At this point I have no idea what he is talking about, but with a question like that - we're in!}  It turns out he was at the end of our street, working on a church with a bucket truck, and was offering rides.  HELLO! 
Not too sure it will hold both of them.

 Bummed because he chickened out.

I'll go.

Piece of cake! {Something Uncle Biggle is very familiar with}

Not to be outdone by his little brother.

Micaiah tries again.

"Mom, that was fun!"

Thank you Uncle Biggle for taking a few minutes out of your day to make my boys life!  And next time it's my turn.


"The Boy" or Lessons From a Duck

Cai - pre-haircut.
Though we have two boys around here.  Anytime Greg or I use the term "The Boy", we both know immediately which one the other is referring to.  In Micaiah's 4 plus years he has been a constant teaching tool for his mother, his father, and all of his siblings.  We are getting the chance to learn patience, forgiveness and compassion daily.

He just seems to be wired for mischief.  Most of his escapades of late have involved knives.  He cut up a plant  {the only indoor plant I have ever kept alive longer than a couple months}, the cord out of our bamboo blinds {they don't go up anymore}, the ties off of our pillow shams, and his own hair {he used 4 different pairs of scissors for that last little gem}.  Last night he decided to use the diaper sprayer for a water gun, and his little brother and all our clean laundry for his target.  {Should I mention that he was also buck naked and perched on the toilet at the time?}

This, of course, has also been a time of intensive training and discipline for him as well.  We have been diligently trying to help him to understand action and consequence, as well as trying to explain why we are working so hard to "train" him.  On Monday we were reading the story The Story About Ping as part of his schooling.  It's a wonderful little story about a duck and his master.  Every night the master calls, and all the little ducks must hurry to the boat. The last one on the boat receives a spank on his back.  

Ping decides that he would rather not get on the boat than have that spank.  He then has a very harrowing night and difficult day without the protection of his master.  Thankfully he finds the boat again and though he is going to be last on the boat and has to receive the spank he does so willingly so that he can be with his master once again.  

As I read the book to Micaiah I thought it was such a  wonderful example of how we are with our parents when we are young, and the Lord when we are older.  {Hebrews 12:11 - All discipline for the moment seems not to be joyful, but sorrowful; yet to those who have been trained by it, afterwards it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness.}

Micaiah didn't exactly come away with the same observations that I did.  Our conversation went as follows:

Me:  What happened to all the ducks if they didn't listen and were last in line?

Cai:  They got a spank.

Me:  You know how we have been talking about training?

Cai:  Yeah.

Me:  The master is training the ducks to listen carefully for his voice, so that he can keep them out of trouble.  Does that sound anything like how Mommy and Daddy are trying to train you?

Cai:  Yeah!  'Cause when I'm disobedient and don't listen, you hit me with a train too!

Me:  *stifling laughter and realizing this "lesson" is over.*

But just when I think all is lost and he is never going to "get it".  A few days later I overhear him praying with his sister {I should note that when the kids fight, after they apologize, I have them pray for each other.} 

Cai:  Dear Lord, please change my heart.  Help me to hear You, and know You, and please help me love my sister, and be obedient to my parents.  I love You.  Amen.


Sister - {Who would prefer to remain nameless}:  Dear God, please help me not call the police on my brother like I wanted to, and MAKE him understand that HE was WRONG!!!

Me: *aye, aye, aye, a parent's work is never done.*


So Many Farms, So Little Time

I know it has been said before, but I LOVE fall!  The crispness in the air, the urge to cook or bake anything that will hold still, the harvesty scents and the gorgeous leaves, but most of all I love the opportunity to get out and do fun things with the family without the ghastly heat, or the frigid temperatures.  This fall I wasn't sure I was going to get to partake in any of this fall's family adventures, because of all that has/had been going on in our lives. So it has made each outing since then that much more special.

One of the very first things that we did this year was the Kaw Valley Farm Tour.  We had never gone before, but it is going to be a new tradition.  So much fun!  For one weekend a year around 25 farms open their homes for people to come visit and enjoy.  There are tons of animals, hay rack rides, and kid friendly activities at each farm.  

Such a fun time!  The weather was perfect, the environment was rich with educational possibilities, and I GOT TO MILK A GOAT! 

Aaaaannnnnd....I'm Back.

Dear Blog,

Please let me reintroduce myself.  My name is Jeni and we used to be like b.f.f.'s.  Hopefully, now, we can just pick up where we left off.  It's what best friends do, right?  Good.




My Neglected 4th Child

I always said I would never be that mom.  No matter how many children I had,  my kids would always have clean faces and their hair nicely done.  I would keep track of them at all times, never letting them out of my sight.  I would never let them play in the dirt in their Sunday clothes and I would always be attentive to their every need.  Well...never say never.

A couple of days ago Zayin was begging for a drink of water.  I was working with one of the girls, and couldn't give him my full attention.  I kept saying "Be patient, I will help you when I'm done."  Patience is, of course, in short commodity for someone not yet two years old, so he decided to take matters into his own hands.  He toddled off, vaguely murmuring something like "Zayin wa wa!"  Out of curiosity, I followed, telling the girl I was working with, it was her turn to be patient.  Thankfully I grabbed the camera {mother's instinct}.  Here is the scene that followed:

My kids may not be perfectly assembled when we arrive at the store, and they may jump into puddles on their way into church.   They are, however, very resourceful & quite creative.  They know that I love them more than their clean clothes and faces.  And they might even be learning that their needs don't always get to come first! {Though I'm not going to bank on that last one.}  


The Froot of the Speorit

My sweet little girl may not be much of a speller, but where she lacks literary skills she makes up for in goobness!  This was on our back door for over a month with no intention, on my part, to remove it.  Tragically during chores one afternoon, someone took it upon themselves to wash the back door.  Normally this kind of initiative would have thrilled me, the window is disgusting after all.  This time it was a little sad.  Thankfully I still have the picture!  
*And yes, I do know that gentleness is missing.  Each mistake makes me love it that much more!


Hot Topics (to the theme of Hot Pockets) {1}

It's been a long while since I have posted.  It hasn't been for lack of material, but lack of will.  I sat down at the computer a number of times with a quick anecdote, or silly kid story, but I just didn't feel like writing.  I'm not depressed, or even in a funk, but my mind just feels heavier than usual.  I've had a number of "bigger" topics on my mind, so I decided to share them, and to ask your advice.  Though I'm not really sure any one reads this except my family and a couple friends, I'd love to hear your thoughts.  

Hot Topic {1} - Identity
Reading The Prince's Poison Cup - R.C. Sproul
At the end of last month and the beginning of this month I was in Charlotte with my kindred cousins.  It was my first trip alone, since being married.  I have always taken at least a couple kids when I have traveled without Greg, and that has only happened twice.  It was a wonderful and relaxing trip!  Many nights staying up past our bedtime giggling like 12 year olds.  But even though the trip was a blast, I felt strangely out of place.  It wasn't my cousins.  I always feel comfortable with them, but it was the lack of small people about me.  I didn't know what to do with myself without the constant busyness of mom life.  I became awkwardly chatty and self conscious about silly things.  I didn't remember how to just be, or sit, or be still in my own skin.  I didn't realize how fully my identity is wrapped up, not only in my husband and children, but in all the busy work that *needs* to be done around the home.  And I don't know about you, but I don't want any part of my identity wrapped up in dirty dishes or poopy diapers!  

My identity should be found in Christ.   And if you had asked me before the trip I would have felt fairly confident that it was, but it's not.  So how does one do that?  How can I be just as much myself at home as somewhere else?  How can I be the same person I am at church as I am in Target?  Or how about when friends are over verses when I am alone?  

So my question for all of you...How do you maintain an identity in Christ while still fully operating in the season that He has placed you in?  He is my passion and my pursuit, and yet He is so easily forgotten when I have a stack of papers to grade, or children whining at my feet.  And I am wanting more...more of Him...less of me!


These Boots are Made for Walkin'

The kids have a lot of boots, probably more boots than necessary.  They have church boots, rubber boots,  snow boots, and boots they have grown out of, but we still have for some reason.  In the winter they are supposed to stay on a shelf in the garage and pulled out when needed.  However, they are usually just thrown helter skelter right inside the garage door.  This has caused many a near accident and is a source of great frustration for the parents of the children who own those boots.

A few days ago Greg and Micaiah were home alone, and Greg was trying to get some work done in the house.  Greg needed to put something into the garage and, as usual, tripped over the boots.  Out of frustration he kicked a couple of them across the garage.  Micaiah standing right behind him witnessed this release of frustration.  Greg then sheepishly turned toward Micaiah, but before he could say anything Micaiah, in a most serious tone, said "Daddy...God said not to be angry at the boots."  

My first reaction to this statement was to burst into laughter.  But the more I thought about it, the more these simple words struck me as pure child-like wisdom.  James 1:19-20 puts it this way -  This you know, my beloved brethren But everyone must be quick to hear, slow to speak and slow to anger; for the anger of man does not achieve the righteousness of God.  

How often do I get angry at an object or a circumstance out of my control?  Answer: All the time!  I get frustrated and bothered that I cannot make all things go exactly as I want them to, at all times.  Or I take out my anger out on these inanimate objects because I'm really angry at myself or the kids.   Either situation is wrong...and...dumb!

And now is the part of this post where I would love to wrap things up and say.  Because of this timely comment by my four year old I am now aware of my unnecessary anger, and because of that, it has been dealt with...but it's not.   I still have a temper, and I still lose it.  But in my times of failure I have been clinging to the words of this hymn by William T. Sleeper.

  1. Jesus, I come
    Out of my bondage, sorrow and night,
    Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
    Into Thy freedom, gladness, and light,
    Jesus, I come to Thee;
    Out of my sickness, into Thy health,
    Out of my want and into Thy wealth,
    Out of my sin and into Thyself,
    Jesus, I come to Thee.
  2. Out of my shameful failure and loss,
    Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
    Into the glorious gain of Thy cross,
    Jesus, I come to Thee;
    Out of earth’s sorrows, into Thy balm,
    Out of life’s storms and into Thy calm,
    Out of distress to jubilant psalm,
    Jesus, I come to Thee.
  3. Out of unrest and arrogant pride,
    Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
    Into Thy blessed will to abide,
    Jesus, I come to Thee;
    Out of myself to dwell in Thy love,
    Out of despair, into raptures above,
    Upward for aye on wings like a dove,
    Jesus, I come to Thee.
  4. Out of the fear and dread of the tomb,
    Jesus, I come, Jesus, I come;
    Into the joy and light of Thy home,
    Jesus, I come to Thee;
    Out of the depths of ruin untold,
    Into the peace of Thy sheltering fold,
    Ever Thy glorious face to behold,
    Jesus, I come to Thee.

It is so wonderful to have a Savior that I can come to no matter how big a mess I have made of my life.  No matter how angry I get, no matter how many times I lose my patience or 'kick the boots' and He is there with open arms.  


A Loaf of Apple Sauce Bread a Day - Keeps the Doctor Away

The boys have had a rough week.  They've both had fevers, sore throats, walrus coughs, and Micaiah had a double ear infection.  Fun stuff!  I spent almost all day Tuesday on the fold out bed with them, with a boy tucked under each arm. (The girls were at Gramma Sally's)  
By the end of the day, though, Zayin had had enough of the laying around business.  So with Micaiah occupied with books, and Zayin no longer content to stay on the "bed", we ventured into the kitchen.  What could be better than cooking with a highly contagious child!?  I figure, we are going to be the only ones eating it, and I have been exposed to their germs all week (been exposed = sneezed on, coughed on, drooled on, and been a human kleenex all day), so why not?   And it turned out to be just what the doctor ordered. 

Applesauce Bread - by Laura from Heavenly Homemakers - Picture Tutorial by Zayin
1st:  Put on the manliest apron you can find.  (We didn't have to worry about covering his shirt, it was already covered in a days worth of slobber.)
2nd: Concentrate very hard on getting the ingredient into the bowl and not onto the floor, like the previous spoonful.
3rd: Smile thankfully at the ingredients for staying where you put them.
4th: Use all your strength to saw through a giant stick of butter.
5th: Unwrap butter, like you are peeling off decades of old wallpaper, minuscule strip, by minuscule strip.
6th:  Pretend to grate nutmeg, so your mother can take a picture.
7th: Poke delicately at the batter.
8th:  Pat yourself on the back, you did a great job!!


Happy Birthday Daddy

Birthdays might not be quite what they used to be around here...but boy are they entertaining!  The kids begged Greg to stay home a little longer the morning of his birthday so they could give him their presents.   

Charis has been working for weeks on a comic book for him.  It's entitled Pack Women Returns With a New Gang vs. The Princesses!  I'm sure it will be an exciting read, filled with much tragedy and suspense.
Anya stayed up quite late the night before, working on her gift of fine art (glitter pens make everything fine!) and a plastic Egyptian Pharaoh bust.  She hid the Pharaoh and had Greg play the "Hot & Cold" game to find it.  Mild giggles turned to shrieks of laughter when Greg just "couldn't" figure out where it was hidden.
Micaiah, my sweet generous boy, didn't realize that everyone was giving presents, so he ran up to his room and selected a few choice gifts.  He gave Greg his prized Viking helmet, shield and "sword", his Warm Cookie , and his bug terrarium.  

Zayin had no idea what was going on, but was quite happy to have Greg carry him around all morning.   After a quick breakfast, the real festivities began!  It was time for a...


 And, of course, no birthday could be complete without at least one 'knee hopping' dog pile!

All in all I think it was a very Happy Birthday!


When I grow up...

We have a friend that when asked what he wanted to be when he grew up he said he "wanted to be a fire truck".  He didn't want to be a fireman, but a fire truck!  

I think he and Micaiah just might be cut from the same cloth.  When I asked him this afternoon what he wants to be when he grows up he replied "I wanna be a dinosaur fossil!"  Dream big Little Man, dream big!