I especially like coming up with "unique" ways to tell our families. When I was pregnant with Micaiah we made t-shirts for the girls that said "Big Sisters' Club" on the front. The back of Charis' said "Member since 2004", and the back of Anya's said "Future Member 2007". Then we just sat back and waited for people to catch on. (it took a while) This time around we didn't exactly have time to plan much so for my family we sent a text (please note that we were sitting in the room with all of them and my family loves to text). The text read "Merry Christmas from the Nadvornik 6...yes that's right...count again". My Gramma was the first, and for a long while, the only person that got the text. It seemed like hours until everyone else started to get their texts and began to react. My mom was the very last because she was too intent on telling a story to look at her phone. It was priceless when she finally did read it. Much hopping and shrieking was involved.
We then left my family's house and went to Greg's. Every Christmas we line up in front of the tree for a big family photo. Greg offered to take the picture and instead of saying "say cheese" he exclaimed "say Jeni's pregnant!" Here is the resulting photo.