

One Month Down

I can hardly believe that it has been almost a month (tomorrow) already since Zayin entered this world. Everything has been a complete blur. He is, for the most part, a very sweet and easy-going kid.

But, of course, he is still a baby and babies are lots of work. People keep asking if 1 to 2, 2 to 3, or 3 to 4 is harder and I'm not really sure. I still think 1 to 2 was the hardest transition for me to make. By the time you have others you are already used to dividing your time between kids, but I am curious what everyone else thinks. What was the hardest transition for you? How are some ways that you have dealt with adding subsequent children? Ok, not only am I curious, I'm looking for tips. I know only a couple people read this blog, so if you know people with several children that have some good ideas, feel free to send this on to them. Thanks. I'm looking forward to what everyone comes up with.


Noah's Baby Blog said...

Well, I'm getting ready for the transition from 1 to 2, so I'm anxious to hear what others (particularly you Jeni) have to say about that one. I don't think I'm looking forward to it really. It's hard enough now finding the time to balance time with Noah, husband, family, work, church, home group, friends, miscellaneous obligations,. . . . .

Nature Notes from Nadvornia said...

You look so good!
I'm hoping that the transition from one to two turns out to be the toughest, because it has kicked my butt. But I'm sure the children's age and disposition and age gap factor in significantly. I'm so glad that Charis and Anya are such little helpers. I know they create problems too, but seeing the things that they are able to do gives me hope for the future of us having any more kids :)

Eryn said...

i dont really know, but ella #2 was just a whole different personality to deal with and that made it hard for me. then with #3, suddenly the children outnumber the adults! but now, the first two are older and help so much and are in school, me and autumn have it pretty easy. transitioning to 4 should be interesting. but james and i always tell people, "eh, whats one more?"

Jeni said...

Sounds pretty similar to the way things have gone for us. Anya and Ella sound like they could get into a lot of trouble together. ;0) My girls are in school, but we are homeschooling, so there is not much of a break there. I don't know what I was thinking? I like the "eh, what's one more?" philosophy. We are going to have to use that quote. Tho this is definitely my last pregnancy.

Unknown said...

you mean you are turned off of pregnancy by a broken tailbone and separated pelvis?! wimp! ha, ha, JUST KIDDING! i am the worlds biggest wimp and would have thought there was something wrong with you to try that again! dont blame you a bit. or was this dr's orders?

Jeni said...

Did I fail to mention the 9 months of throwing up? Pregnancy and I are just not friends. No it's not Dr's orders, but she did strongly recommend that we not have any more. Actually the main reason, other than my body completely falling apart, is that we would like to adopt. That may or may not happen, but that is what we would like the next step to be. Though for now I have my hands FULL.