So without further explanation, my life without pretense...
As the weather turns cooler, and the days grow shorter, my desire to be domestic intensifies. I have visions of myself flitting about my home in a cute little apron, oven mitts on hand, and a smile across my lips. I dream of preparing cost effective, eco-friendly and healthy items my whole family can enjoy. So yesterday, that is exactly what I did...well almost.
I started with homemade granola bars. I had Charis help with this. We substituted whole wheat flour, for the white flour, and added pecans, almonds and flax seeds. We also used golden raisins, instead of regular ones and added a little black strap molasses to the mix. I tried to talk the Charis into dried cranberries, but she wasn't having it. Now had I stopped here, things may have turned out a little differently, but I'm a compulsive multi-tasker, and don't know when to say when.
So, while the granola bars where in the oven and Charis went to finish school, I decided to try my hand at both homemade laundry detergent and dish-washing detergent. What could go wrong? I started the process in classic blog form by taking a picture of all my ingredients.
Please note the clean counter tops and back splash (it's all part of the illusion).
I then began grinding up the soap and heating my water, making sure to take pictures along the way.
And this is where things started to spiral out of control. The ingredients wouldn't come out of the box, and then once they did wouldn't dissolve in the water, the timer for the granola bars started going off and they had to be cut into bars within 5 minutes or they would harden, Zayin woke up and wanted to be fed, and my helper had fallen asleep instead of working on school.

Now is the part of this post that I would love to say that I stopped, took a deep breath and moment to pray, and finished my tasks with the joy of the Lord in my heart. I, however, just gritted my teeth, put my baby on my boob, plowed forward and finished in a very angry and frustrated fashion.
I was determined not to let the circumstances beat me. How could I create the perfect post, when things weren't going perfectly? Yes, I did finish...
Colossians 1:21-23 - (21) And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled (22) in the body of His flesh through death, to present you holy, and blameless, and above reproach in His sight— (23) if indeed you continue in the faith, grounded and steadfast, and are not moved away from the hope of the gospel which you heard, which was preached to every creature under heaven, of which I, Paul, became a minister.
I am His, enough said.
awww, honey, I know just what you mean! I've been there so many times!
Glad you finished your laundry soap - you will love it! I've been using it for almost a year now. It is so nice and cheap!
I don't know that mine turned out right. Is yours a solid mass of laundry jello?
You'll have to tell me about the homemade detergents next week. You've sparked my interest! And I'm definitely going to make the granola bars! Those look great! Did yours turn out good?
The granola bars turned out fantastic. They are definitely becoming a staple.
Okay, that is so much better than I thought. I was so worried when you mentioned granola bars and I saw the box of Borax. Whew! Glad you didn't mix it up that way! AND, by the way, the mix-ups, problems, etc. are often the most fun for OTHERS to read about and often the ones that we (the readers) learn from. So, thanks for another great post!
Yes, its kinda like egg drop soup. Not quite solid, but close. I'm sure yours is fine - it all just dissolves in the washer anyway, right?
thanks for opening your heart and sharing your wisdom! this sounds like so many of my days thanks for the reminder of where my significance comes from. blessings to you...and hugs from indiana!
ps my word verification is "missed" and my dear, you are!
Love, love, loved this post!
Okay, did the kids eat the homemade granola bars? My kids won't touch them. Maybe I need your recipe?
As for the laundry detergent recipe...could you tell me how to do it?
Finally, how did the dish soap work out? I haven't heard very good things about homemade dishwashing detergent. So???
Well two out of three will eat the granola bars. They have become a weekly staple. I love them.
I'm not a huge fan of the laundry detergent. As soon as I run out I'm going to try a different recipe. There is one I heard of that is really good for cloth diapers, that I'm interested in. It uses Oxyclean. Who knows??
I love the the dishwashing detergent, but my sister-in-law, Sarah, hates it so...I guess that one gets mixed reviews.
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