Before I head to Georgia and forget to post these. Here are our Harvest Party Pictures from this year. We went with Over the Hedge, not really because we have a huge love for the movie, but because we could make it work. (Okay the kids love it.)

I wasn't real excited to work on costumes this year, or to spend the money, but I couldn't just let it go either. I was really pleased to find a Cat in the Hat costume and a weird brown costume at Good Will for $1.99 each. Those, with some alterations, became the skunk and possum outfits. We made Charis' vest out of some leftover fabric from Zayin's bumper pads (I still need to post the after pictures from earlier this summer) and she made her own "patches" out of some other material we had laying around. Greg's outfit was supposed to be orange, but I had a green one and I just made a couple "patches" for it at well. He also had a bald cap with a comb over in his pocket that we never had the time to put together and put on his head. I made Zayin's outfit out of some felt and batting, and put some pajamas on underneath his shell. Mine was thrown together about an hour before we left. I'm still not fitting into my clothes, so the outfit that I planned on wearing got nixed. The pajamas were far more comfortable anyway. So it ended up being a really easy and cheap year for costumes, yeah!

Greg and I, minus the bear.

Here is Micaiah as Stella. He has no idea that, in the movie, the skunk was a girl. He is just in love with skunks and the idea of spraying people, something he does on a regular basis.

Anya decided from the beginning that the possum was her character, because she was a rock star. I didn't know what she was talking about until she informed me that "a rock star girl" (Avril Lavigne)did her voice. We tried to talk her into being Hammie, for reasons that should be obvious, but she would have none of it. Charis wanted her costume because she would get to pull the wagon with Zayin in it. She also like the girl scout because she had brown hair and freckles. Two things she is strangely obsessed with.

Zayin as "Vern" the turtle. And my mom, who amidst much protesting from me, did not dress up.

And of course I'm already scheming for next year. Alice in Wonderland, Pinocchio, or Star Wars...hmmm the possibilities.
After spending too much time trying to get all the pictures and words in the right places...Blogger strikes again! Bah!
You are just amazing!
havent seen the movie, so extra thanks for the pictures from it. you guys look great!
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