WHAT!? (Now for the record these were just your average pair of wide leg jeans, nothing "sexy" about them). My immediate reaction, was probably not the best, instead of calmly explaining why they weren't sexy "No they don't!!" was all that jumped out of my mouth. My poor daughter's face instantly fell, in her mind I had just told her she was ugly.
Me: Anya, do you remember asking me about the meaning of the word sexy this morning?
Anya: Oh yeah...what does that mean again?
Me: Well..you know how we talk about modesty?
Anya" Oh modesty, yeah! I get it!
Me: So you know what modesty means?
Anya: Don't have a clue.
Me: Okay, so when we have modesty in the way we dress, we try to make sure that our skirts aren't too short, or that your boobs don't show...things like that. There are certain parts of our bodies that we just don't show to other people.
Anya: Hmm...so like BRATS dolls.
Me: Yes, that's why we don't have BRATS dolls.
Anya: So...sexy...is just inappropriate?
Me: Well, yeah, that's a good way to put it.
Anya: Why didn't you just say so in the first place?
Me: I have no idea.
So the next time I try to explain something to my 5 year old, I will remember to use big words like inappropriate and all will be well.
Another Anya story. I think I could probably dedicate an entire blog just to the random things she says. Life with Ani around is never dull.
My mom picked the girls up for a girls night out and a sleepover. She decided to surprise the girls by taking them to get their nails done. She wanted it to be a surprise, but was letting them try to guess where they were going by giving them clues. The very first clue was that it was "something girly". Anya exclaimed "We're getting a fish!?" Charis then corrected her (with pleasure I'm sure) by telling her that fish are NOT girly. Sulking Anya replies "They are to me. And it would have been my very first pet...Oh well I shouldn't have a pet anyway. I'm not very responsible."
Oh Anya, you absolutely light up my world!
I LOVE that girl! :)
we seem to be having modesty convo's around here too! they are growing up way too fast.
love those stories!
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