I must confess. I could win the griper of the year award. I am a self professed half glass empty kind of girl. I have a tendency to think that my dry wit and self deprecating sense of humor are just "charming" parts of my personality, but now I'm starting to see how much of it is just whiny and ungrateful. Every time I complain, or "joke" about some "flaw" of mine, or my circumstances (a.k.a house and children), I'm not so subtly, saying "Lord - no thank you!" "I know that you made me, but I'm thinking I could have done better." Now, of course, I would never be so bold as to do this consciously, but isn't that what being ungrateful is? Saying "I don't like what you have given me, and given the chance I would have done it differently."
So as I started thinking about how I could change. How to begin a continual practice of thanksgiving and how to pass pass this a long to our kids (who are also amazingly gripey and ungrateful...hmmm...strange). Greg came up with Thankful Nights. It was something his mom had done with them when they were little and with a little tweaking we made it our own. First each child has an evening set aside just for them. They get their favorite meal and are exempt from dinner chores. After the meal we pulled out some poster board and wrote words to describe them following the letters of their names. We then went around the table several times saying why we were thankful for that person. And last we asked, the person of honor, a few questions about their favorite things.
I will try not to bore you with all the details, but here are a few highlights of the kids evenings.
ANYA (she won the coin toss)
Favorite Meal: Mac'n'cheese with mixed vegetables and hot chocolate.
Reasons we are thankful for her: Her compassionate heart (Dad), Her sweet kisses (Mom), She helps when I get hurt (Charis).
A couple of her favorites right now: Favorite place in the world - Georgia (because of Auntie Jo and her kitty), Favorite Book - Get Lost Becka (She wanted Charis to pick the Bible, but she picks that one!?)Favorite color - Black.
Favorite Meal: Homemade Pizza with Pepperoni and Mushrooms, brussel sprouts (which I forgot to make) and yogurt smoothies.
Reasons we are thankful for her: She plays servant with me. (Anya) Her quirky interests. (Mom) "I like she's not green." (Micaiah), Her ingenuity (Dad)
Some of her favorites: Favorite place in the world - Egypt (she wants to be an archeologist), Favorite Bible Story - Esther, Favorite Books - Meg Mackintosh.
Favorite Meal: Chicken with sundried tomato pesto pasta, maple glazed baby carrots, and milk for dessert. (I added cookies for the rest of us)
Reasons we are thankful for him: His chivalry (Mom - he always holds the door open for me), His hugs and kisses (Ani), His many expressions (Dad), His snuggles (Charis).
A couple of his favorites: He wants to be a "piggy" when he grows up, Favorite book - The Great Thumbprint Drawing Book, Favorite color - GREEN!!
Thank you Lord for my funny, passionate children. Though we will probably never have a quiet or clean house as long as they live here, I thank you for the life that they bring to me, and the lessons that they teach me. You always know just what I need, even when I don't realize it. - Jeni
You know, lately I've been thinking about how my thoughts are always, "if only...then I could." Um, isn't that just another way of telling the Lord I could have done better. Yup! I need to work on this as well! Great post.
Cute kids!
God has really been opening my eyes to my negativity. And it is not pretty! Thank you for the wonderful post and great training idea!
ok, i just have to say i am impressed by their favorite meals...brussel sprouts?! what kid likes those??? or even what adult? way to go with the veggie department!
I LOVE this idea!!! Your kids are funny, cute and passionate! :)
I ran into your blog via many other THRBC connections and just had to post a comment...this is sooo super creative. I hope to store it away in my "to-do"s as my children get older. Thanking you for a great example of being thankful.
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