–noun, plural thieves.
a person who steals, esp. secretly or without open force; oneguilty of theft or larceny.
I'm sure you have all been here before. You decide what you want to accomplish during the day, you may even write it down and then just as you are about to get to it, the phone calls start, the kids start pestering, the baby is crying, the dryer is buzzing, is that really someone at the door, and *Poof* your day is gone. You are exhausted. And, lucky you, you get to do all again tomorrow.
I wake up early, but decide to hit the snooze, 4, 5, 6 times. I drag my self out of bed only to hear that the kids are already up. I bark at them to get their chores done while I look for my bible and a cup of of decaf (Don't tell my brain it doesn't know it's unleaded). I park myself on the couch and *bing* "Ooh an e-mail". I fully intend to check just that one e-mail (it may be something super important), but then I spend the next 15-20 minutes reading and replying to various e-mails that most certainly could have waited until later. I then, once again, have to find my bible. I sit down and begin to read. Then, after a couple thousand interruptions, I finish. I help the kids with math, spelling, reading..., change a couple loads of laundry, and try to keep the boys occupied. I ignore three phone calls. (Score one for me) Time for lunch. I remember this great recipe, on AllRecipes, and decide to make that for lunch, but as I'm waiting for the recipe to print, I decide to check out a friends blog, or two, or three. This inspires me to write something of my own. I'll definitely have to do that later. Thirty minutes pass, the kids are whining because they are hungry and I still have to make lunch (So demanding).
After lunch, naps. I put everyone down, Micaiah 4 or 5 times, and then start on my chores. But I don't really feel like doing my chores, my chores are boring and seemingly pointless. What don't bathrooms ever stay clean. I decide that I need some music to motivate me. On my way to find music I pass the phone. Another hour and half gone. I do get a room or two vacuumed and the bathroom cleaned, but then it's time to start dinner. Back to the computer for another recipe, a few more blogs, and a couple e-mails, a "quick" look on facebook to see what everyone I've ever met in my life is doing.
I'm sure by now you have the picture, slightly exaggerated, but not by much. It's me that fills my day with nonsense, it's not everyone else putting their demands on my time. It's my lack of self-discipline and my stinky attitude that makes me feel like I am always one step behind.
So with this in mind I sat down to write out my top 3 Time Thieves and Solutions.
Thief 1:
Sleep: I adore sleep! And I am not one of those people that functions well without it. However, I am also a self-professed night owl. I go to bed very, very, late, and then can't figure out why I can't seem to get up before the kids in the morning without falling asleep in my oatmeal.
Solution: Go to bed earlier. Sounds easy enough, but it will be brutal for me. I have a million and one justifications for why I need to stay up late. Much prayer and self-discipline with be going into this one.
Thief 2:
Computer: I have the attention span of a gnat, and the internet is perfect for that. (hee, that rhymed).
Solution: I have already gone on a facebook break and am trying to figure out a more permanent solution. I am also trying to be more intentional about the e-mails that I read and reply to. If it says FW in the message line of an e-mail, it gets deleted. This may sound a bit harsh, but I greatly value the friendships I have made through blogging and e-mail and want to make those a priority, and not the facebook stalking and silly forwards. If it is a personal e-mail, I just need to wait until I have free time to reply. For everything else (including phone time), a timer is going to be set. I too easily lose track of time when given free reign.
Thief 3:
Attitude: This one is the sneakiest of the my 3 Time Thieves. Of course, it wouldn't be a thief it it announced itself at my door and said "Hello, I'm a Thief, I'd like to come in and steal from you." Attitudes that steal my time are usually of the pouting and whining variety. If I don't really want to do something that I know I need to do, it takes so much longer when I am grumping about it, that if I just did it. Like pulling a band-aid of a toddler.
Solution: The Lord. I can't accomplish any of these on my own, and changing my attitude is no different. Colossians 3:23 - Whatever you do work heartily as for the Lord, and not for men.
So now that we all just got that much closer, maybe you would like to share some of your Time Thieves? Or maybe you have something else you should be doing. *wink*
Definitely have something else I should be doing, but that basket of laundry can wait! :)
The computer is definitely one of my time thieves! I'm not addicted to blogs anymore and mostly just read a few from people I actually know, but FB is another story. I check it way too often!
Disorganization is definitely another one. I wander around the house wondering what I should be doing. Not very productive! Great post!
I could have written this post! We have identical thieves (except for Facebook which I refuse to join because I can't handle another distraction!) I really like how you faced the thieves head on and have written out the solution. If stating the problem and finding the solution is half the battle - you are well on your way! Keep us updated on your progress!
Here is my problem...because I work from home I feel like I should be sitting in front of my computer between the hours of 8-12 and 1-5 whether or not I actually have work to do. I could be much more productive if I stepped away from the computer for just 15 minutes at a time to do a little cleaning or something. I have been given the flexibility to work from home, so I should take full advantage of it!
I have been thinking of you lately and posted that on fb come to realize that you are not going to see that comment and then I decided to click on your blog link...and voila now I know why...and further more, when did you break into my house and follow me around for the day, or month? Thank you for your post. My only thing that is helping me conquer my time theif..and the computer is #1 just like to be of service to my children and really look at the quaility time I give them...if and when that is accomplished then i reward myself with some computer time. not perfected yet...but getting there.
thinking of you...(i don't know why..but lately you and the whole Nadvornik crew has been on my mind)
Nicole Benson (paplham)
I love this. I love you. Super excited to see you....soon.
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